Our vision and mission
Our goal is to support people to connect with the true essential nature and to live in tune with our inner being and heart. We offer authentic yoga classes, meditation sessions and trainings, while striving towards sustainable living.
Both Amaratva Yoga and Ananda Forest are run by Floris and Paulina. We'd love to share our visions with you.
Vision of Amaratva Yoga
Amaratva Yoga offers authentic and Integral yoga in the form of classes, retreats, courses and yoga teacher trainings and is mostly based in Ananda Forest, Spain.
We have been living for over a decade in yoga retreat centers, and ashrams and have integrated teachings from different lineages and Yoga styles into our practice and teaching. These include Hridaya yoga, Bihar School of Yoga, Iyengar, and Vinyasa yoga.
Our vision is to make Yoga as accessible as possible, adapting to modern needs, while staying authentic to the tradition and holistic approach of yoga. A well balanced Hatha yoga class naturally brings us more energy, joy and should lead us towards embodying consciousness.
Vision of Ananda Forest
Ananda Forest is a place to come home to our true nature and to reconnect with our Heart’s wisdom, to deeply listen to Mother Earth, each other and our Self.
Ananda Forest is also a place to come and retreat. For true happiness to shine through, it is essential to be grounded in our center. Often removing ourselves temporarily from the hustle and bustle of daily life can be a great relief and framework for transformation, and rediscovering our true Self.
The medicine we offer is simple, yet powerful: Being immersed in nature, living on the natural cycle of the sun and moon, eating nourishing and healthy food, being surrounded with like minded people, and during retreats attending a program of daily yoga, meditation and philosophy classes.
Our pillars
We would like to take you through our most important values.
Yoga and meditation
Practicing yoga and meditation is a powerful tool to realign ourselves with our center and expand our energy levels. The actions that result from a place of centeredness will naturally embody our virtues, and empower ourselves to drop whatever doesn’t serve. The more we feel centered, the less need we have to compensate for our search for happiness through consuming or buying unhealthy and unsustainable substances.
Living from the heart
We believe that by living from the heart, we may find true peace, strength, and joy. Our mission at Amaratva Yoga and Ananda Forest is to create a community of individuals who explore and nurture their inner selves through the practice of Yoga.
Nature and natural lifestyle
Taking care of the earth and plants allow us to harvest the fruits of the land and to deeply feel connected to our Earth Mother. Whatever we cannot grow ourselves, we buy as local and organic as possible. In this way, we take care of the earth, our bodies and our mind.
Sustainability and permaculture
We believe that our lifestyle choices have a significant impact on the planet. We offer our students and visitors an opportunity to connect with nature and care for Mother Earth. In Ananda Forest you will find compost toilets, biodegradable products and all used water flows back to the land. We also have an ever-growing permaculture vegetable garden.
Community living
In Ananda forest, we choose to return to community based living, while creating spaces of privacy and independence. Community living and fostering truthful relations is part of our inner growth and mirrors us back both our light and shadow. The project is initiated by our family (Floris,Paulina and Amba), but is welcoming people from all backgrounds that resonate with our vision to participate as a volunteer, short- or long term community member, or student in a course.
“There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti