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Establishing the foundations
for Yoga

-Online course-

Saturday 5th of March, 2022
+ pre-recorded videos



  • 1 full-day live, online course: 2 Integral Hatha yoga classes (including pranayama), 1 lecture on Yogic philosophy, 1 meditation session

  • Lifetime access to pre-recorded videos: 1 Hatha yoga class, 1 Yoga Nidra, 1 Pranayama session

  • Experience and explore the depth of Yoga

  • Receive personalized guidance on Asanas, Pranayama, yoga philosophy, Yoga Nidra and more

















About the course


During this course, we will experience, and explore the meaning of Yoga. We don’t only want to hear about how delicious chocolate is, we want to taste it!


The course consists of 1 full day of online classes which can be attended from within the comfort of your own home, and 3 pre-recorded videos that you can download and have access to for the rest of your life!


During the Integral Hatha yoga classes you will be inspired by and learn some techniques that probably will be new to you. A lot of emphasis is given to the power and guidance of the breath during Asanas and as separate breathing practices (Pranayama). You will receive as well a pre-recorded video with instructions and guidance on Pranayama, amongst 2 other videos. The breath is the most essential source of energy and it is a powerful tool to energize ourselves, access the subconscious, and calm the mind for meditation.


You can try out one of our Hatha Yoga classes for free on Youtube.




The word Yoga has become well-known worldwide. Especially, in these days of rapid changes and insecurities, many people feel the calling to connect with our inner center that radiates peace and happiness. A crisis is not just a ‘bad’ or ‘unfortunate’ circumstance. It is a wake-up call to return to the source within and to find meaning and Truth in life. In yoga, this is done by peeling off the layers of illusions and veils through which we see Reality and through the purification of body and mind. Yoga is both an active, and a contemplative practice.


More than only being healthy for body and mind, Yoga is a very powerful practice to connect with that which we truly are and to come back to a Unitive and Natural state of Being.























Schedule (Saturday, 5th of March, 2022)

  • 8 AM - 10 AM: Introduction and Integral Hatha yoga session

  • 11.30 AM - 12.30 PM: Lecture on Yogic philosophy (you will receive a PowerPoint presentation)

  • 3.30 PM - 5 PM: Meditative Hatha yoga session

  • 5 PM - 5.30 PM: Meditation

  • 5.40 PM - 6 PM: Final sharing


We will send you the pre-recorded videos on Saturday evening. This way you can finish the course on your own rhythm. 




For whom

  • As a foundation course before taking a Yoga Teacher Training

  • For Yoga practitioners that want to dive deeper into the practice and yogic philosophy

  • For beginners (with relatively good health), that want to explore, experience, and understand Yoga




  • 70 euros

  • Early birth discount, until 15th of February: 50 euros

  • Refunded as credit for those who subscribe for the YTTC in April 2022




Practical information and reservations


  • Sessions take place through Zoom. You can download the app for free on your phone or computer

  • For reservations or further questions, please fill in the contact form below or email us at

  • Bank details and payment information will be sent upon request

  • Cancellation policy: We can send you the recording of all sessions in case you wouldn't be able to attend. Otherwise, you can be refunded 50% until 3 days (72 hours) before we start the course.

  • You will receive the Zoom link as soon as we have received the payment





Yoga class
Yoga Teaching

Contact or Reservation form

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